

Tmtoolkit, LDA, pyLDAvis, NLP.

Topic Modeling of Nike Product Reviews for Strategic Insights

  • Objective: To perform topic modeling on top reviews of Nike clothing and shoes to extract valuable insights for marketing and product development.
  • Data Source: Customer reviews of Nike products, focusing on clothing and shoes.
  • Key Technology: Natural Language Processing (NLP) with topic modeling using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA).
  • Goal: Identify common themes and trends in customer feedback.
  • Expected Outcomes:
    • Insights into customer preferences and satisfaction levels.
    • Key areas where Nike can improve its products or services.
    • Data-driven recommendations for refining marketing messages and strategies.
  • Potential Business Impact:
    • Enhanced product development by aligning with customer needs.
    • Improved customer experience by addressing concerns raised in reviews.
    • Optimized marketing efforts by focusing on topics that matter most to customers.
  • Tools and Libraries: Python, tmtoolkit, LDA for topic modeling.