Skills: Tmtoolkit, LDA, pyLDAvis, NLP. Code Topic Modeling of Nike Product Reviews for Strategic Insights Objective: To perform topic modeling on top reviews of Nike clothing and shoes to extract valuable insights for marketing and product development. Data Source: Customer reviews of Nike products, focusing on clothing and shoes. Key Technology: Natural Language Processing (NLP) with topic modeling using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA). Goal: Identify common themes and trends in customer feedback. Expected Outcomes: Insights into customer preferences and satisfaction levels. Key areas where Nike can improve its products or services. Data-driven recommendations for refining marketing messages and strategies. Potential Business Impact: Enhanced product development by aligning with customer needs. Improved customer experience by addressing concerns raised in reviews. Optimized marketing efforts by focusing on topics that matter most to customers. Tools and Libraries: Python, tmtoolkit, LDA for topic modeling.